It is with great thankfulness that I am writing this letter. In January 2023, I became a participant in the FEAST program (Food, Education Access, Support, Together). While in this program, I learned more than I expected, I ate foods that I thought I would never eat, I prepared foods that were out of my comfort zone. I did not realize how this program would be such a blessing to my family. My husband was diagnosed with mellitus diabetes a couple of years ago, which was controlled with diet. Unfortunately, I did not have the tools needed to really prepare his meals correctly, therefore my husband began to take medication to control his illness because his A1C (blood sugar) had gotten out of control.
This is where the FEAST program came into our lives. By taking part in the FEAST program, I was able to learn how to prepare healthy meals for my husband, how to substitute herbs for salt, and the big one for me was trying plant-based foods. To my surprise, we both loved our new way of eating. The biggest surprise was my husband’s A1C went from 7.5 down to 4.7. Hallelujah!!!
Someone may say I am not eating that stuff (I said it too). We still eat some of our same foods, however, we have gained some additional knowledge on treating ourselves better. Changes take time, but some are well worth it! Thank you for all your leadership, patience and time.
Sincerely, Pastor Jamie (and Curtis) Jenkins
Belinda Wyche Participant Testimonial (Edited)
I am the caregiver for both my niece (who recently had a serious health scare) and her mother. The doctor has prescribed a Heart Healthy diet for my niece. I would like to thank the FEAST team because I was able to use the skills that I was taught to make healthier choices. The recipes and demonstrations from the sessions are just what I needed to be able to fix and prepare meals that are “nutritious as well as delicious” for them as well as for myself and my family. The FEAST session leaders also took us grocery shopping to do “label reading” which gave us the information we needed to be mindful of food choices. It was very informative and helpful. So, my niece recently saw her doctor and the doctor told her “I don’t know what you are doing, but it’s working and you look great!” I am so thankful to the Lord for the FEAST program being there for me and my family. Thank you sooo much for reaching out to us in our community. Don’t think that this program is not working -me and my niece and family are able to say “It works!”
Thanks for making a difference in our community. Gratefully Yours, Belinda Wyche
Mamie L. Harvey Participant Testimonial (Edited)
FEAST. What came to mind when I heard that word and a description of the program, I thought to myself, “why would I waste my precious Saturday morning going to hear about food and eat some food which I don't need because I'm already overweight!”But when I got there, I met neighbors Ididn't know and three wonderful women who were about to change my way of thinking about food.
I learned to check labels to see what was in the food I was buying and eating.I can now spot the ingredientsthat are used to makefood taste good that arenot good for blood pressure, add to high blood sugar and are artificial things that comprise our food supply.(Did you know a chicken nugget may not be made of chicken?!) So, I have now lost 50lbs. or more and am wearing a dress size I haven't worn in years. I also hear Bev Sell in my mind whenever I go to grocery store telling me to check ingredients.
You will enjoy this program if only for the friendships you form. I highly recommend it. Mamie L. Harvey
Carole Bregman Participant Testimonial (Edited)
Thank you for making these classes available!
Researching nutrition and sharing what I have learned with like-minded individuals who are also interested in learning what food is all about, vs what the manufacturers and FDA want us to continue thinking is food, is for me the most exciting. Let's get the word out!
Knowing that there are growing organizations that are stepping out to make the public aware of our food brings joy to my heart. Thank you so much for the opportunity.
Gratefully, Carole Bregman, Norfolk Virginia
Cynthia Denise Holmes Participant Testimonial
I have enjoyed the program. The instructors were awesome! Very knowledgeable. This class has helped me with eating healthier and I was able to gain 7 lbs. which I really needed to do. This program can help a lot of people. Keep up the good work!
Alice Boykins Participant Testimonial (Edited)
I thank God for these amazing leaders and all the new brothers and sisters that have come into my life - I will never forget them - and for this Feast program. I have learned so much about the salt, sugar and fat I was eating and drinking. I wasn't thinking about my health before, but now I am focused on it and watching what I eat and drink so that I can live longer. I pass the Feast program on to everyone I talk to.
Shirley Cobb Testimonial
Feast is a good program to learn about food, reading labels and what to look for. I was able to try new recipes that are healthy for me. I've learned to use the first five ingredients to tell if the produce is considered healthy. I've also learned from others' experiences. I'd love to see the program to continue to be successful.
Brenda Peterson Participant Testimonial (Edited)
I have thoroughly enjoyed the Feast classes. I have learned a lot about nutrition, meal preparation, healthy recipes and most importantly, I made some really good friends that I will definitely keep up with after classes are over. I have changed patterns from never cooking to cooking at least three times a week with recipes learned in class. I have even started experimenting with recipes (not all of them have been successful - but still!)